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Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

by Secretary

 A New Way, A New World In the reading from Jonah, God told him to preach repentance to the people of Nineveh. When the whole city repented the very first day, they showed it by wearing sackcloth and fasting from food. Sometimes we might think that way: That repenting means punishing ourselves or feeling sorry. […]

Third Sunday of Advent

by Secretary

Reflection    Reasons to Rejoice Saint Paul seems to be throwing out a handful of sayings that may sound overly optimistic, but are actually very practical. “Rejoice always? Who can do that?” It sounds absurd, but the next two lines give it context: If we pray constantly and thank God for all that happens to us, […]

Immaculate Conception

by Secretary

Mary’s Sinlessness and Simplicity It has been my mission lately to live as simply as possible. One of my mottos has become: “Make Due”. In other words, if I want green beans for supper but only have broccoli on hand, I will make due with broccoli. If I have a couch with broken springs and […]

First Sunday of Advent

by Secretary

Reflection Watch Out! In Advent, we celebrate our hope that the Lord might come more fully into our lives. The first reading from Isaiah voices the hope of sinners for a redeemer. As sinners, we too hope for forgiveness. Unlike Isaiah, we know that God has come to bring us back, when the Father sent […]

30th Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflection

by Secretary

What the first reading calls aliens are immigrants or newcomers. They lived among the Hebrews, but were not Jews themselves. The Lord reminds the people that they were once aliens themselves.  They should not make the same mistake the Egyptians did when they mistreated the Israelites. God uses the same logic in commanding them to […]